Somebody's Someday
Read Count : 96
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Somebody's SomedayRIn a day of nightReflecting& deflectingInspecting& SuspectingAcknowledge& waste of collegeI educated your educationWith blood, sweat & touchI couldn't handle thatI couldn't handle muchI've always wanted to beSomebody's somedayAll the day TuesdayAnd Monday of Monday'sI've alwaysKnownUnknown destinationsThe final destinationAlone.I was inside ofInAnd outsideOf where?Nowhere to beginNowhereLike jumping the tracksLike not looking backLike only the factsTwilight zonedI've always wanted to beSomebody's somedayNobody's nothingAnyone's hungerMeet me& BeSilent& crazyFeelingEverythingNo placeLike home.