Mister M. Pt2 Read Count : 116

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Fantasy
I'm staring at the message he sent flabbergasted.. "Honestly, my kitten. You need anything, nothing too big. Did the car arrived?"

I look at the keys in my hand and the paperwork I was handed. "Here you go ma'am. Special delivery per Mister M." The men are looking at me with scepticism why I'm getting a paid for car delivered.

"Yes! You didn't have to do that, Oppa. I was looking at cars. I can afford to get a new one. You have no idea how scared I am of driving it, Oppa." I text quickly and send a picture out the window.

He sends a picture of him smiling really big and doing a heart with his fingers. I send one back to him but I know my eyes show worry.

"Oppa, isn't this the same one you have?" 

"Yes, princess kitten. You need it to remember me." 

I look out the window and see neighbors looking at the vehicle. I send him a picture "Got eyes looking." 

"Send me a picture of you in the car.."

So I go outside, chat with the neighbors a few minutes, get in the vehicle and take a selfie for him.

"Go in the back area and take your shirt off."

I complete my orders 

"My princess kitten is missing her Oopa, huh?" His eyes are looking dangerous and I can see the reflection of my picture in his glasses.

"Always. Missing my Oppa terribly. Needing hugs and kitten kisses from the kitten Oppa." I send a selfie of me biting my finger.

"Call me."

I take a deep breath and hit call. He answers within half a second. "Hello, princess. I miss you too."

"Oppa, this gift is too much. I can't accept this.. it's too too much, Oppa!" I'm fighting tears while listening to the background noises getting more quiet.

"I said you need safer car. You need it. I'm buying. It's gift. You miss me, go drive. I pay the gas. Tell me when. I send you money. No amount too much." He's walking into a bathroom based on his voice echoing. He starts talking about his day, asking about how I'm feeling, he knows my health issues, and still loves every bit of me.

"I miss you always. I just need your love. No gifts, no money. Just Oppa." I look at the ring he gave me at the last visit we had together. "No rings, no cars, no money. Just hugs, kisses, and kitten Oppa cuddles. Sleep next to you. Feel you breathing on me. That all. Nothing more." I feel my eyes starting to burn with tears. I'm so confused if he feels he needs to buy my love for him. 

"Oppa gives because I can. I can fly you around the world. I want you to know I love you." He sighs and I hear how exhausted he is. I decided to drop this topic today.

"You eaten, right? Have you drank tea? Only soju?" I look out the window and see bluejays hopping in the front yard. 

He yawns "Yes, eated. Kimchi stew. Yours better, white girl. No, no soju. I drink whiskey when missing you. Hibiki. Tastes like our first night." I giggle.

"You only like it because we were doing shots and telling secrets before we went physical." I giggle drawing his name on the window with my finger.

"You liked it too. You kissed like tomorrow ended." He takes a deep breath and sighs. "I miss your lips and sighs." He snickers and whispers "And your clawing my back, princess kitten."

I smile and whisper "I miss making noises for you, Oppa meow meow." He laughs and I hear a door close.

"Go in house. Make noise for me. I show you what I'm doing." He growls softly and I climb out of the car, going inside the house, and giggling.

"Oppa, I'm in the house." I whisper when I hear him grunt softly "Are you being bad boy?" 

"I miss you. I miss feeling you. Too long ago. I need you. I need you, girl. You fly tomorrow? Yes? You visit tomorrow?" He whispers and I hear him pushing buttons on his phone.

I look and see him sitting on a chair, pants undone and rubbing himself. "Oppa... May I touch?" I whisper sweetly.

"You visit tomorrow, yes? I need my princess kitten. I need to feel you." He growls, and rubbing more.

"I have work, Oppa. I will fly Tuesday morning after work. I am off until Saturday night. May I touch for you?" 

"I need you Tuesday night. I'll fly halfway. Meet in our city? And you better touch for me. I want destroy you." His raspy, sleepy, dangerous voice echoing throughout the room. 

"Talk after, Oppa. Let's make noises together." I start turning my camera on so he can see me. 

After a very quick video call, we are both breathing heavy, smiling at the other, confessing live for the other.

"So. Our city? Nobody know me there really. Just think I some Korean boy." He is still catching his breath and I can't help from laughing at his sleepy voice and eyes but he's so adamant about meeting up on Tuesday night.

"I would need shower, clothes, and I need to do a few things"

"No! Shower with me. You no need clothes. Buy at airport. I send babysitting for the dog. You need medicine, passport, id, and I take care of every other things." He sounds a little bit annoyed.

"Oppa... Take a deep breath. It's Sunday... I will be in your arms soon. Deep breath, Oppa. I will pack a bag with your favorite things, my medicine and call the dog babysitter. I will take quick shower after work, but real shower with you." I hear his breathing and know he's feeling better. "Oppa, where are we meeting?" 

"Our city. Tokyo. You loved being there. You squealed so much. You happy, I'm happy. Deal?" He starts laughing and mentioning how I was "cheap happiness" because I was squealing over postcards. I start laughing because he starts whispering about our first time together in Tokyo and how I asked if we could see Diru. He took me and his friends to see Diru and I was screaming all the lyrics, dancing with him, and a few of his friends. He says "They all said you are the best. That one song you cried during.. What was the name?"

"Mushi. Insect. It's about self harm, Oppa." He takes a deep breath. I whisper "Yeah.. It's about being depressed, self harming, and wanting to die. It was my theme for years. You've seen my scars.."

"And mine.." He whispers. I watch his face go from happy to remembering his sadness.

I nod and say "So, will you visit Ryuichi-san's grave again? We can go to karaoke afterwards. Mister Bear and Mister Koala said they'd go with us. They think it's funny when I squeal when you start singing. Would Mister Cookie go as well?" He smiles slightly and nods. He starts laughing a little.

"You call them all Mister, don't you? They call you my kitten. I tell them to call you Miss C. They won't. They started calling you big sister though." He laughs more and flips his hair back.

"No sadness tonight, Oppa. Just happiness. Only a few days and I'll be able to nibble on you and we can reenact scenes from Whatcha wearin. That was the first Korean movie I absolutely felt. I liked others before that, but the fact we both wear boy cut shorts made a huge impact on me. She's like me... Hoping for the best, even if she's not being treated...... Anyway, Oppa. How about you come see me the next time you can. You can drive to the lake and we can make love under the stars.." His eyes light up, his smile back on his face. "And after we make love under the stars, we can come back home and I'll make food."

He laughs and says "No, my princess. We will go get steaks and take the guys. We will eat steak. You can feed me like the first time. I won't be drunk on soju then." He starts cackling and stands to fasten up his pants.

"May I see once more, Oppa? I miss your taste..." He sighs and pulls his pants down a little bit and I see the curve of his hip. "Oppa... I think your hips need my legs on them."

He looks at me, growls, and winks. "I need to go. Still talking though?" 

I nod, put my clothes back on, and we start talking about meeting in the next few days. We laugh a lot and I'm watching him walk around the building talking about his next few days.

"They want to say hi. You mind?" He looks a little nervous.

"Not at all. I'll be good, Oppa." I smile and he laughs.

He shouts at his friends and they all start saying hi and asking how I'm doing, how I've been, but my favorites stay for a few moments longer and he looks jealous. I make faces at him and one starts teasing him about me. 

"Oppa, we better hang up. Call before you go to sleep?" I blow kisses to him and he smiles.

"Of course. I will call you. I love you."

I smile and whisper "Can anyone hear me besides you? Can anyone see me?"

"Only Oppa." He looks around and moves around a little bit. 

"Say it again, Oppa... Please?" I whisper again sticking my hand down my pants. I bite my lip and he starts walking out of the room again.

"If I say that, you make noises again?" He snickers and whispers he loves me again.

I moan softly "Again, Oppa... Say it again..." 

He growls "You make noises without me? Only make them with me. You are mine."

I start moaning more and watching him. He starts grunting and growls "I think about feeling you. Feeling how you love me so much."

"I do love you so much." I moan the phrase he's spent so much time teaching me. I know he always finishes really fast when I moan it.

"No, you don't say that. Not until I'm with you." He growls more and I answer his growls with moans. "What you think about?" He smirks and grunts softly.

"You. Oppa... Thinking about you. Kissing you. Feeling you. The time I sat on your lap watching it snow at your house.. You bit my shoulder so hard that time." He smiles and nods.

"You're too good for me. I want to wait. Do you mind?" He pants, trying to catch his breath.

"No, I don't mind. I'll wait for you, Oppa. I'll be good." I giggle a little and sigh.

"No, you make noises for me. I love them. I love you. Tell me you love me." His focused on mine.

I look in my camera and whisper "Oppa, I love you. I love you for you. Nothing else. Only you. My Oppa from Daegu, kimchi stew loving, adorable kitten Oppa."

"I love you, kitten. Now, be good. I will call you later. I miss you." His eyes shine and I nod. "I will post on our secret account. You post about the car. Okay? That one that likes you should be not liking you anymore." He laughs and mutters something in Korean and laughs.

"He doesn't like me anymore since you posted you love me. He was mad." I sigh and lay my head back on my pillow. He laughs and blows kisses.

"It is because you are mine! He is ass." He laughs really hard and I nod.

"He was mean. You are right. He was a fucking asshole." I nod, feeling better Mister M is so kind. Beyond belief kind.

"Talk later, princess kitten. I love you." 

We both wave, blow kisses, and hang up. 


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