Sacred Indigo Sunrise Read Count : 185

Category : Notes/Work

Sub Category : N/A
I have opened a new website. Just spreading the word. The name of it is Sacred Indigo Sunrise. There are some articles written in the blog section and there are some articles written in the pages section. The information I provide is free for all to use for their own inspiration and knowledge. I do not get paid for the work and research I do on there. It is done out of pure inspiration and an absolutely extreme extreme deep sated curiousity I seem to have with life. Eventually the site will get better and the style will get better as I build it up and understand how to use its features as it expands. It is personal research I have done as well as personal aspects I share of myself. 

The channel goes into some deep things. It always requires an open mind one which I find writers and scientists seem to have as I seem to relate with those aspects of myself. I also ask that if viewing my channel you look at it from an aspect of personal self and not merely seeing one as the person posting it. As I am serving only as a mirror to the information I give. So with that being said…


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