Fuck You!
Read Count : 170
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Fuck you, fuck your feelings, fuck your emotions, fuck all your thoughts and all your new found goals! You are all of a sudden feeling like I did once upon a time, you are spitting my own words back at me like if you came up with them. Fuck how convenient it is for you now to give me a hollier than though choice! Fuck you for thinking you are better than me mentally, emotionally, and physically! Fuck you for being so damn blind to all I did, fuck you for taking credit for everything I have done, fuck you for thinking I am the lucky one for having someone like you in my life, fuck you for being so full of yourself and not even being grateful that I'm still here, fuck you for using and abusing my pure kind soul,fuck you for thinking you can threaten me with your absence, fuck you for thinking that what has been mine since day one, is yours.... Fuck you if you honestly believe that without you I will be alone, that without you I won't survive, that without you I am nothing, that without you life will Zeise to exist. Fuck you for not understanding that I am an amazing, strong, hardworking,one of a kind, best mom that anyone can ever have. Fuck you for allowing me to forget how amazing I am!!! Fuck you for letting me lose myself. Fuck you for never listening. Fuck you for not fixing things right away. Fuck you for not stopping me when I gave you all the credit. Fuck you for making the worst of me come out. Fuck you for being the first to bring out my hate, my anger, my darkness, my evil side. Fuck you for making me be the worst of me!! Fuuuuuccckkk yooouuu!!!!!!