Kevin Read Count : 59

Category : Songs

Sub Category : N/A


Found with The

Straight Edged

Razor Sticking 

In Your Wrist.

Holding a Good

Night Letter

That Explains

All of This.

Cutting Deep

In To Whom.

This may Concern 

And I’m Quoting,

“ Although You 

Are His World,

What He Really 

Needed was Kids “.


We All Suffer

Paper Cuts along

The Sides of Palms

And Finger Tips.

None Slits Wrists 

Quite Like That

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.

Sufferers of Paper 

Cuts along That 

Thin Line That 

Rip Hurts like Shit!

None Slits Wrists 

Quite Like That

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.


Looking at a

Picture of Us


On the Wall.

Two Women.

Minorities With 


A Year this Fall.

With The Aim 

To Reach The 

Top and Get 

There Quick!

As Harvard Graduates 

We Understood The 

Tools Rules Rewards 

And Took The Risks.

Girl in This Game 

Of Life You Were 

Well Aware Of 

These Politics.

Recalling Your Breath 

Taking Page 2 Review

In my New Published Book,

Who Gives A Kcuf Uterus!

If I’m not Mistaken It Said

That These Days  Blank Dick 

And Red Periods were the Only 

Thangs Welcomed past Clitoris.

The Other a Fifth Drunk 

Under Lifted Skirts Margarita 

Dumping Over the Sides of 

All Girl Carnival Ships LOL.


We All Suffer

Paper Cuts along

The Sides of Palms

And Finger Tips.

None Slits Wrists 

Quite Like That

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.

Sufferers of Paper 

Cuts along That 

Thin Line That 

Rip Hurts like Shit!

None Slits Wrists 

Quite Like That

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.

We All Suffer

Paper Cuts along

The Sides of Palms

And Finger Tips.

None Slits Wrists 

Quite Like That

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress

Modern Women 

Suffering Cuts 

Along Palm Sides

Who Felt It Rip?

From all the Pounding 

And Tapping On Your 

Front  Door Until 

It Caved In!


Broke Down Your 

Apartment Door 

And You Right 

Where You Is.

Swollen Smelling

Sour like Cow’s 

Milk In Oat

Meal Porridge.

The Life of the Party!

We Thought You 

Would rather Die 

The Way You Lived.

Not Putrid in Piss 

And Dried Blood 

Cut From a  Letter. 

That Slits The Wrists!

(End Chorus)

We All Suffer

Paper Cut on

Sides of Palms

And Finger Tips.

None Slits Wrists 

Like a I am 

Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.

We All Suffered A 

Paper Cut on

Sides of Palms

And Finger Tips

None Slits The 

Wrists like The 

I’m Pregnant Letter,

From A Mistress.


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