Lil Paul 3 Read Count : 109

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
april 16 2016 '' Being normal is lack of courage '' There was a whole crop of new ways too lose today and somehow it felt real by noon. I tried calling in reinforcements but they were only laughing at me and my delemas while waveing their arms around like drunk eunuchs gropeing me for loose change or loans. I hate being sober in this hilltop, this land of fear an seems in hiensight too be the place where rain wont fall, theres no such thing as good money and no-ones never partaked in forced- canabolism.....its all around a crime against nature like sodomy and the people just want your kidneys. A lot of unchangeable shits went down around here..... but when a man just needs answers and a uplifting word and theres none even with 34 churchs in close vasinity I feel like I'm either deaf or the g-d Irish were right, there is no explaining things after midnight. Ofcourse the real bummer was no one even tried lieing too me. No, they just slunked off with a certain cruel grace.....the outcome was their secret an all others pay cash. My erstwhile mother flead early so I felt no luck there....frikkin Charli drove past me 4 times with children in the car, and my only company for an hour after that was a half mad local that kept swearing people are disapeering.....its funny how when ever your on foot enroute too a Jack n the box in this town its always a high way for wretched self made loons with Aliens on the mind. But, by 2 o,clock my whole world shifted and I was a glowing beem of spiritual awareness...there was plenty too think about an no one minded listening....I hate being alone.... and it was great everyone started answering the car-less these days so I'm on some pay-it-no-mind-list in the mornings. And, now I'm alone again in my room missing a tooth or two...shit....


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