Our Past Read Count : 109

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
And shall we dredge up the past
Keep track of every sin
And call to those worse than us
Cast the first stone
Lest we feel alone
In our unrighteousness 

Shall we agree
That our hypocrisy 
Is chief amongst our sins
That the grace we were shown
Should be shared all around
That love and forgiveness should win

Shall we agree
That without His grace
We would still be lost
Buried in sin
Never to win
Or see heaven this side of the cross

Who shall be just
And lend us a hug
When sin has dragged us down
Lift up our head
Speak words that we dread
My son, why chase the dead

It's life I have given
When all else is gone
To return you to My home
So all may be free
To live here for Me
For all eternity


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