Are You The Girl? Read Count : 122

Category : Articles

Sub Category : N/A
Are you the girl?
Are you the girl that makes him smile when he sees your calls or the one that makes him ignore it
Are you the girl that gives him butterflies when he thinks of you or the girl he never thinks of
Are you girl that he enjoys talking to or the one he never picks her call
Are you the girl he always wants to see and take out or the one he tells he’s too busy to go out 
Are you the girl that he enjoys conversations with or the girl that he never listens to
Are you girl he sends money to, even without asking or the one that never gets any, even when she ask
Are you the girl he waits for all night or the one that he sleeps on
Are you the girl that makes him jealous or the one that he doesn’t mind her actions 
Are you the girl that makes him check his phone for a text or the one he doesn’t want to reply her text.
Are you the girl he’ll do anything for or the one he won’t try for?
Are you the girl he’s thought of making babies with or the one he’ll tell to get one out
Are you the girl he scolds about healthy food and sleep or the girl he doesn’t care about what goes in her mouth.
Are you the girl he finds comfort in her presence and arms or the girl he doesn’t wanna spend 30 minutes with
Are you the girl that makes his heart beats faster or the girl that never makes it beat
Are you the girl he likes to show off or the one he never introduces?
Are you the girl that he gives a nickname or the girl he doesn’t care what he calls her 
Are you the girl that he believes is an investment or the girl he knows is just a bill?
Are you the girl that he doesn’t wanna see with another man or the girl that never hears him complain when she is
Are you the girl he appreciates with and without sex or the girl that is just there to satisfy his urges
Are you the girl he sees still during her menstrual circle or the one he never sees when she on her flow
Are you the girl he says I love you to and means it or the girl he says it says it to become he want to get in her pants?
Are you the girl he wants to try new things with or the girl he doesn’t have an aptitude for it
Are you the girl he gets in a fight with and wishes he never did or the girl he picks an argument with because he never wants to talk to her


  • Jul 15, 2023

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