23 December 2018 Read Count : 136

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The first time I saw her it felt like a dream.

She entered the door and her beauty took my breath away. She greeted, I smiled then she laughed a little. She ask to use the phone charger, I smiled, and she laughed again

She might have been wondering whats wrong with this guy, is he alright? Well from the moment I saw her I fell in love When I looked in her eyes I saw the most beautiful star~lit eyes ever.

When She spoke, her sweet voice caught my ears, at that very moment I knew I was in love. I never believed in love at 1st sight until the day I first met her, 23 December 2018 @21:00 that's the night and time that I will never forget, The night I met an Angel, the night I met Libhongo's Mom.


  • Jul 17, 2023

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