Memories Read Count : 101

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
I think of three in a half years ago to who I was before. I don’t even know that person anymore. I keep trying to get back to the person I was before. Seems she is lost in somewhere forever. 

Where do you go when it all fades away? When you sit and you think the pictures flash before your eyes of everything, every memory, every hardworking day, every smile, every tear, every precious child hood memory of gathered family. Pure childhood magic and innocence really. At how you lost those you thought your paths would always last. Every friend you lost along the way whether death or life took you seperate ways. The ups and downs, this fragile thing called life. Every magical experience you just can’t explain. The laughter, the good times, and the bad, the pain, the winding road less traveled how it all just unravels as you truck through destiny’s battles. At the simplicity of where we came from to where we are today. What makes it evermore bittersweet is you only get this moment to live it and then it’s all gone and only pieces of you live on. Life’s such a beautiful song. The thing I think that scares me the most is not being able to live the next day on. There comes a day you wish you could do it all over again would you make different choices?  I think I would but then I wouldn’t have been me. Would I even have a choice in the matter had I been aware of who I was at an early age? Maybe I could have changed a few things made a detour to certain things that harmed my growth along the way. Would that have shaped me differently? I just know I am differnt in some way than who I was yesterday. I can’t say I regret anything to say that would be to say I regret who I am today. I have so many dreams and some days it seems I will never reach them fast enough as life seems to be borrowed time on a clock. My biggest wish is that I get to live to be at least a hundred amongst those closest to me with laughter love adventure success to bring on this new journey wherever it may take me. That I get to keep experiencing life for as long as it’s permits me. I’m greatful for all it’s taught me and the mystical experiences it has brought me, moments of awww breath taking beauty, mixed with pure mystery. The people I met along the way, the chances I got to take. Thank you for everything truly ~Sincerely Life


  • Jul 04, 2023

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