The Mom I Never Had Read Count : 115

Category : Poems

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here i go again talkin about her i say gggrrrr she was the mom i never had gosh it makes me mad when she left me there bare without a mom to care there was the home i knew they feed me took care of me when she was no where to be found ….now you come back in my life want me to call you mom ….umm no u were the mom never there for me  u never cared about me.. this is just how i feel  i dealed with so much when you were gone
it was wrong of you to leave me out of your life now you come back in my life  baby i am here i don’t want to hear it. you are the mom i never had because you never wanted to care for a baby that was your own blood you miss out on me playin in the mudd everything else. don’t ask me to call you mom because you never acted like my mom i wanna know why won’t you show me my dad what is there to hide…it makes me mad when i think about you leaving me here i won’t shed a tear because you where never there. you were the mom that was never there never cared never shared a memorie with me in it..if u were my mom you would of been there when i scraped my knee or atarted a club and watch me playin the were the mom that was never there to watch me grow up!!!!!!!


  • deep

    Jun 23, 2023

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