The New Pharaoh Read Count : 147

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
      Has anyone ever watched a scary movie? Yes? Good.  Have you seen the one where the two Egyptian twins wandered into the woods away from a camping trip? Me neither.  Because me and my brother are literally making that movie up as we go.  
      This is some real dumb shit.  We should have never left the damn camp site.  But like Lio said, 'Angry teenagers are the scariest things in the world.'
      Especially since one of the teenagers set my tent on fire.  I'm dead ass. My little messed up tent was flaming and smoking like a sausage on a grill.  I'm surprised I didn't beat Lola up for that. She deserved it,  but luckily for her, her boyfriend already got his ass kicked and I felt bad enough for them as it was. 
      Now I feel bad for us. We are in the middle of the woods away from people who are breathing. This is not okay.
      '"How far away are we from human beings?" I ask my brother Lio. 
      "Um... somewhere between thirty to forty five minutes," he reluctantly answers.
      I stop to look at him. "Are you just saying that or do you mean it?" I question. "Because you don't sound so sure." 
      "I'm the one who was paying attention when we were coming here, Chione," Lio tells me. "And I'm the one that has the GPS on my phone."
      "Oh, you mean the phone that's been tweaking for the past two months?" I clarify. "That phone?" 
      "It works just fine," he defends and I scoff. 
      Doubt it. After a few more minutes of  turning around in circles, Lio looks back at me. 
      "Yeah, we're lost," he admits.
      "Oh, really?" I ask sarcastically. "Good work, Detective."
      He rolls his eyes and starts walking away. "Stop being a bitch and come help me," Lio mutters. 
      What exactly can I help him with? We're lost. It's as simple as that. We don't know where to go or what to do. We're not going back to the campsite, that's for damn sure. 
       All we can do is sit our asses down somewhere and hope we don't get mauled by some freaking bears. 
       We should just rest someplace quiet, right? 
       Thing is, I don't like bears. Thing is, I don't even like pandas. And thing is, that ain't finna   happen. 
       So, I'm just gonna do things Lio considers help because, honestly, he knows more about the wild than I do, which ain't much. One thing that does mean a lot, though, is the fact that he's way calmer and way smarter than me, so he can lead I'll follow. 
       "What do you want me to do?" I ask. 
       He pulls me to the left of him where we can see past the trees and into actual civilization. Just watching the city lights flicker makes me feel so much better. If we can see it, we can reach it, right? 
      But, Lio's not so positive. Which is smart, considering we're sorta in the wild and all. Specifically, in the wild with no directions and no plan, so we should be cautious.
     Damn it. I'm feeling all negative again.
     Lio points into the air. "Do you think we came from the east side or the west side?" he questions. 
     I ponder it for a second, then point left because I'm too busy being terrified to try and remember which way is which. 
     "Okay," he breathes, and  goes in that direction. "Let's go." 
     We hike down the trail for few minutes. And the ground starts shaking. 


  • Mina Williams

    Mina Williams

    First time. Don't judge me.😭

    Aug 31, 2017

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