Ganado Read Count : 107

Category : Songs

Sub Category : Childrens


Blind Man Walk,

Long Corridor.

To Watch A Film,

About The World.

One Door Closed as 

Two Curtains Open.

Strange Feelings as

Blue Movie Starts.


Causing Strain.

Persistent Pains.

From Left Out Foot,

With Copper Nails.

She Said the Show Was Over,

But He Had To Wait!

She Said Show Was Over,

He Waiting for The Happy Ending! 


Ironic How


Number Two

Lead Pencils.

Make Circles,

From a String 

Pinned to A 

Pressed Down Thimble

Who Pressed?  

Said Both Wondering, 

Blistered Hands Turning

An UnOpenable  Lid.

Unlike the 

Succession Of,

Popped Out Healthy 

Twins Crying. 

And All This Over 

Some Eden Apples 

Eaten With The 

Fore Skin!


Causing Strain.

Like Labor Pains.

Upon Her Back With,

Both Legs Raised!

She Said the Show Was Over,

But He Had To Wait!

She Said Show Was Over,

He Waiting for A Happy Ending. 

Causing Strain.

Persistent Pains.

A Choo Choo Train,

Going Around Insane.

She Said the Show Was Over,

But He Had To Wait!

She Said Show Was Over,

Waiting for A Happy Ending. 


The Blind Man’s Walk,

And So His Hers.

A Long Dark Round


Like Surreal

Wind Mills,

Before Popped 

Out Eyes!

Ironic when Eve

Turned To the Side,

To Find that He Does 

Not Even Realize.

Samson! There 

Looking Out Two Eyes,

Wide Open But 

The Third One Blind!

(End Chorus)

Causing Strain.

Persistent Pains.

Around His Head,

Pulling His Brain.

She Said the Show Was 

Over All Those Who Wait!

The Show is Over There 

Is No Happy Ending!


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