Music 🎵🎶 Read Count : 115

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
There’s just some days that I need a little extra something.
Life seems to pile it on and that’s when I stop and turn to my music.
No matter the time I’ve had or the mood I’m in, I can turn up the music and lose myself - even if just for a bit..
And it changes everything.
Brings me out of moods, lifts my spirit, calms my soul.
It breathes life into me and somehow, everything balances back to a better place.
I know it doesn’t change anything or magically transform my life, but I don’t need it to do those things.
I just need those melodies and lyrics to restore that I can push forward through the storms of life without coming apart.
Some days, the rhythm sinks into my soul and fills me with positive vibes and an uplifted spirit.
Other days, the lyrics but deeoin my heart and help me find a way through my challenges.
Throughout my life, I’ve always held music close to my heart and it’s gotten me through some hard times.
I don’t just listen to music, I feel it in my deepest places and it resonates with me in a way that nothing else can.
There’s always those songs that I hear that can make me smile, cry or just feel unstoppable..
They bring all the memories back from people, places and feelings long ago.
I wouldn’t trade any of that for anything.
Regardless of where I am, where I’m going or what I’m doing..
Music will always have my back.
It’s part of me and there, 
I’ll always be free. 


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