What He Needs Read Count : 136

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Adult Fantasy
"What am I going to do Wes? I lost my internship a month ago and I still don't know what I'm going to do". 

I'm trying to relax by my indoor pool but it's not working out like I'd hoped it would. None of the internships I applied for have called me back, and I'm getting desperate. I can't live off my parents forever.

"It's only been a couple weeks Navi, you have to give it time" Wesley says pulling herself out the pool.

I roll my eyes, "Easy for you to say. You have a job"

She sits next to me toweling off her long mahogany hair. "It's temporary. I'm not going to be a waitress forever"

I sit up pulling my knees against my chest, "But it's still a job. Something I don't have"

Wesley drops her towel on the foot of her lounge chair and stretches out to air dry, "I told you, you can work with me. Mike's is alway hiring"

I shake my head. I don't want to be a waitress, I don't have that kind of patience. "I'll get fired the same day they hire me".

We laugh knowing it's true, "Good point. I don't know Nava, keep looking. Hey, maybe your mom will let you intern for her business"

"What? Booking gigs?"

"Yeah! You love music"

"Yeah, singing it. Not finding and booking it" I point out.

Wesley shrugs her shoulders as she gets comfortable, "Why do you ask for advice if you're not going to take it?"

I shake my head, "It's nice to hear outside opinions". Although her idea of working with my mom for a while sounds like a good idea I know it would be anything but what Wesley thinks it is. "But I'll find something"

"I hope it's soon so you'll stop whining about it" She says putting her glasses on.

"You really suck ya know"

"So I've been told many times" She smiles with a wink.

I wrinkle my nose to her taking my statement the wrong way, "Ew".

That night I once again go through the classifieds to see if anyone is hiring. I feel like I've been doing this for ages and I still haven't found anything. Abandoning this task I grab my phone ready to try texting my friend Callum, then decide against it.

Not talking to him has been hard. Callum was a very close friend of mine. I met him my freshman year of college and we just kind of stuck together until we took it up a notch my junior year.

The first time we slept together, we agreed to stay friends.

Everything was fine, of course I sometimes wished we could be more than just friends but I knew I wasn't the only girl he spent his time with.

Sighing heavily, I drop my phone back on the bed.

We broke things off a couple months ago, I can't even begin to explain how I felt knowing that not only did our fling end but so did our friendship. Every now and then I get the urge to text him but I don't have the courage to actually do it. He's probably fucking someone right now.

To distract myself from that thought I flip my TV on. Instantly a commercial pops up on the screen advertising last minute tickets for The Weeknd concert this Sunday. I really wanted to go see him but I'm broke.

Maybe I could see him in concert if my mom booked him. I should talk to her about that. I can help her with all the details and everything. Laughing at myself for such a crazy idea I flip to see what else is on tonight.

An hour into watching reruns of Orange Is The New Black on Netflix, my mom comes in my room, "Hey Nava, how was your day?" She asks sitting next to me.

"I hate job hunting with a passion"

She laughs as she rubs my back, "Oh baby, you're going to find something. I promise."

I look up to her with a small smile, she always knows how to make me feel better about hard situations, "Did you eat?"

"Not really hungry" I reply muting the TV.

"Okay, I'll order pizza. Here, this was in the mail for you" she hands me an envelope before leaving my room.

Curious what it is, I flip it over to see who it's from.

Republic Records, XO Records.


I open the envelope as fast as I can without getting a paper cut and pull out a piece of paper.

Congratulations Nava Ellison, You've won two backstage passes to The Weeknd's concert, November 15, 2015. You and a guest of your choice will get to meet The Weeknd before the concert then join the audience for a spectacular show. After, you're both welcome back to head to the after party.

Congratulations again Nava Ellison, we can't wait to see you there!

Monte Lipman
Abel Tesfaye "The Weeknd"


Oh. My. God.

This can't be real. This has to be a sick joke. I look inside the envelop finding two tickets to the concert. I'm really freaking out now. Picking up my phone I call Wesley.

"Hello Navi, what's up" She answers.

"I need you to come back as soon as possible. Bring clothes, you're spending the night"

There's a slight pause before she agrees saying she'll be over in twenty minutes.

Hanging up with her I rush down stairs to the kitchen, "Wesley's spending the night. Do you mind?"

Mom looks at me with a slight smile, "No but don't you think you're a little too old for sleep overs?"

"Mmm, nope. Not at all" I reply sitting at the counter. "So when does Daddy get back?"

Mom places her phone on the counter then goes to the fridge for some wine. "I believe he said next Saturday. He may come back early"

My dad is in the Marines. He's been gone for a year now and I miss him terribly. He couldn't even make my graduation. When he gets home mom promised we'll have our own little graduation party. Pouring wine into two glasses, she hands me one.

"Thanks" I take a long sip wishing it was something stronger like Hennessy or something.

"I suppose she'll be here any minute"

I smile telling mom she's right.

"I'll be in the den" she says taking her glass and the entire bottle of wine with her. I swear my moms an alcoholic.

Wesley walks into my room with a plate of pizza twenty minutes later, "I ran into the pizza guy"

"Oh yum" I smile as she sits the plate on my dresser.

"So what's going on?" She asks dropping her bag on the floor. I reach inside my bed side table drawer pulling the envelope out and hand it to her. She takes it looking inside.

She takes out the little note and reads it. Her eyes pop open then she frowns, "Is this for real?"

I frown, "What? You have nothing to do with this?. There was a contest a couple months ago for these tickets. You didn't enter to win them?"

She shakes her head making me laugh, "I didn't enter the contest"

"And I'm not that big a fan to try for this" Wesley puts in.

I stop laughing. How did I get these tickets?. I'm baffled, confused and excited, "Well you already know you're coming with me"

"I have to work Sunday"

I ignore the work part, "Ask someone to cover your shift. Come on please Wesley, I can't see The Weeknd by myself"

"Of course you can. He's just like everyone else, only difference is he's known by the whole world"

"Please. Remember when I went to that French- whatever guys concert with you? I barely like him"

Wesley rolls her eyes as she gets up to grab the pizza, "Oh my God fine. If it means that much to you. And it was French Montana"

I squeal throwing my arms around her neck, "Thank you, thank you, thank you. We're going have so much fun. What are we going to wear?"

She shrugs taking a bite of her pizza then holds it up for me to take a bite. "We have three days, we'll figure it out, but oh my gosh I'm going to meet The Weeknd. I can't believe this is happening" I go on swallowing my bite.

She starts laughing at me, "If I didn't know any better I'd think he's a drug for you"

I lay back on my bed looking at the ceiling fan, "His voice is a fucking drug. You don't understand"

She lays next to me on her stomach, "You're right, I don't understand and I don't think I want to"

Oh, well. At least she's going to the concert with me. That's all that matters right now, that and the fact that I'm hungry.

"Did you bring me a slice of pizza?"


Sunday morning when I woke up I immediately jump in the shower. Getting ready for this concert is going to be an all day project. Wesley is suppose to be here around noon, then we'll decide what to wear.

After my shower I head down stairs for breakfast. I find a note on the fridge,

Hey baby girl, I have to go to Maryland for a couple days. Have fun at the concert.

Love mom

Hm, Maryland, that's not too far from D.C. Wonder why she's staying there.

Breakfast eaten and dishes washed I head back up to my room to look through my clothes.

Twelve o'clock on the dot Wesley walks into my room with some of her clothes, "I'm actually getting excited about this. I've never met a celebrity before"

"There's my party girl" I laugh looking over the clothes she brought. "Oh let me wear this top!" I pick up a long sleeve cream sweater.

"Damn, I was thinking about wearing that" she smiles

I smile as I match the sweater with my skinny jeans, plaid scarf and brown knee high boots. "I think I'll wear my hair down"

"It's going to be hot in there"

I shrug going through my make up, "I just won't straighten my hair. Problem solved"

Wesley sits down on my bed so she can try on a pair of heals, "Your super curly hair and shit, I bet The Weeknd will love it"

I roll my eyes settling on eye liner and mascara. I'm not trying to dress up too much. I love The Weeknd but I'm not sure if I'll like him in person. It's easy to like someone through their music and nothing else.

Wesley decides to wear a cream shirt sweater with gold spikes on the shoulders black skinny jeans and dark brown boots. She puts her hair up in a bun wrapping a gold band around it.

"Do you think he'll like us?" She wonders putting on her gold spiked hoops.

"I don't know. I'm sure every girl that's met him has thought the same thing. This is only for a night then tomorrow everything goes back to normal and we get to live with the memory of partying with The Weeknd"

Wesley begins to apply her eye shadow, "What's his name?"

I run my fingers through my curls to loosen them, "Abel Tesfaye"

"Where's he from?"

"Scarborough Toronto"

"Another star from Canada?"

"Yes. Another star from Canada"

"Why do they all come here? It's not that great here"

"I guess because Hollywood is here. There's nothing better than Hollywood". I use to dream of becoming a star to live in Hollywood when I was a little girl.

"There's Bollywood" She points out.

"Yes. All the way in India"

She begins to apply her maroon lipstick, "Still known for great movies though"

"What else do you think you need to know so you don't look like an idiot?"

"Does he have a girlfriend?"

What a weird question, "Yeah, I think so"

Sucking her lips together to make them pop she says, "Who?"

Putting on deep red lipstick, I try to think of her name, I really don't pay that much attention to who he spends his time with, "Bella something I think"

"What does she do?" Wesley asks putting on her ear rings.

"Model, I think"

"There are a lot of models named Bella. Narrow it down"

"Damn Wesley, I don't know. Look it up" I said getting annoyed.

"I thought you didn't want me to look stupid?"

"Keep your mouth closed and we won't have to worry about anything" I said as sweetly as possible.

"You are such a bitch" She laughs

I smile satisfied with my appearance, "Thank you. Thank you very much".

"He is black right?"

I roll my eyes, "He's Ethiopian decent"

She smiles twirling her finger around one of my curls, "Which makes him black. See, you know more about him then you really want to admit. I bet you know the name of his girlfriend"

Shaking my head and reaching for my purse I say, "Are you ready? It's almost four"

"Yes, let us go party with the biggest drug addict in the world"

"Oh, you didn't need me to know that I see".

We walk down the stairs and out to my car, "I mean, it's obvious what his songs are about. You make me listen to it enough for me to catch on"

I drive to the Verizon Center while blasting Initiation. Pulling into the parking lot I find my reserved parking spot. "Wow, they really know how to pamper a contest winner" I say as we walk to the ticket counter.

The retail smiles as us, "Hi, how can I help you?"

I show her my backstage pass, "Ah yes, Nava Ellison. Just go inside and security will lead you backstage"

I smile my thanks and head inside. I've never been to the Verizon Center. It sure is big.

It wasn't hard to find a security guard who takes us backstage. I grab Wesley's hand the moment we pass through the backstage door.

This is really happening. I steal myself so I don't look too excited for this moment, it's not everyday you meet a famous person.

The first person we meet is the man who puts this all together, "Hey, I'm Cash"

I smile holding out my hand, "I'm Nava. It's great to meet you. This is my best friend Wesley"

Cash smiles, "Oh you two are like yin and yang"

I look to Wesley confused then it hits me what he's referring to, "Oh. Oh wow" I laugh.

"She is a softy" Wesley teases.

"And you're hard to deal with some times " I counter.

Cash laughs, "You two act like sisters"

"That's because we are" Wesley laughs hugging me.

"Okay ladies let's get you your wristbands and then we can find where Abel is"

We follow him to a room where he gives us white wristbands with XO on them.

"Alright let's find Abel"

Wesley and I follow him. I can't help looking around at the the action. So much is happening to get this show ready.

After about ten minutes and Cash stopping to talk to people he finally opens a door peaking his head inside, "Here he is. Hey Abel that contest winner is here"

I press my lips together then stop remembering the lipstick. I can't have messed up lipstick in front of The Weeknd.

Cash moves back from the door to let us in. I'm nervous but I swallow it and walk inside.

The Weeknd is standing in front of a mirror putting on his jacket with the XO label on the back. "Hey. Nava right?"

Bitting my tongue I answer, "Yeah, this is my friend Wesley"

He turns to us with a slight smile.

Oh my God I'm talking to The Weeknd. I surpress the excitement building up inside me as he approaches us.

"It's great to meet you two. And congratulations on winning the contest Nava"

He holds his hand out for me to shake. I take it hoping my hand isn't sweaty, "Thanks Weeknd" my skin is a couple shades darker compared to his.

He smiles widely, "Call me Abel. The Weeknd is my stage name and we're not on stage"

I smile as I look back up to his eyes, wondering what next. What do you talk about with a R&B star?.

He let's go of my hand moving onto Wesley and I take the time to look around his dressing room.

"So are you guys from around DC?" He questions continuing to prepare for his show.

"Yes. Born and raised" I answer.

"I'm from Seattle" Wesley nods.

"Oh that's cool. I haven't been there yet but it's on my list of places to go" Abel tells us.

"You guys can take a seat ya know" he laughs.

I smile as I sink into a near by chair. Wesley sits next to me on the arm.

"So do you like America?" Wesley continues to question him.

He scratches his chin as if he's thinking about that, "Uh... yeah. Yeah I like it here. It's cool"

"Better than Toronto?" Wesley presses.

He laughs at her, "No. Nothings better than home"

A knock comes to the door, "Come in!"

I look to the door to see who's coming in and my blood runs cold.

Callum walks in with Cash and a few other people, he's laughing when his eyes fall on me. He doesn't seem surprised to see me like I am to see him.

"Abel, my man" he greets giving him dap.

"What's good Cal".

Why does it sound like they know each other?

"Hey Nava. Glad you could make it" Callum greets me.

I force a smile, "What do you mean?"

Abel and Callum look between each other, Abel licks his lips before saying "So... I know you didn't sign up for that contest. Actually no one won that contest, I shut it down when this guy got in contact with me"

I'm very confused. What is he saying exactly.

Abel comes up to me holding his hand out. I take it standing up, "Cal told me you sing, he gave me a clip of you singing one of my songs. What's your favorite song?"

Staring at Callum unsure how to feel about this I answer, "Ever or currently?"

Abel shrugs, "Currently"

"Shameless" I answer still looking at Callum.

"Oh cool. Want to do something for me?" Abel gets my attention.

"Like what?"

"Sing it for me. Just the chorus"

Staring up into Abel's eyes I feel a sudden calm. Rubbing my lips together not looking away I sing:

"I don't wanna hurt you, but you live for the pain
I'm not tryna say it, but it's what you became
You want me to fix you, but it's never enough
That's why you always call me, cause you're scared to be loved

But I'll always be there for you, I'll always be there for you
I'll always be there for you, girl, I have no shame
I'll always be there for you, I'll always be there for you
I'll always be there for you, girl, I have no shame"

Singing is as effortless as breathing. It's something that comes naturally to me. Growing up watching my mom pull all those great artist I wanted to know how it felt to be wanted by the world. How it felt to be on stage giving them your heart and soul just so they'll love you.

"Damn. That was great. Have you performed in front of a crow?"

"I did some karaoke in college" I shrug

"So no stage fright?"

I shake my head no.

He claps his hands together, "I want you to perform that song. I was going to sing it but I think you and Cal should do it. You're good at acting right?"

Wait what?

"She's very believable" Wesley answers for me.

He wants me to perform Shameless with Callum? In front of a million people. How ironic that the song is about a friends with benefits relationship gone wrong. Just like our relationship.

"So will you do it Nava?" Abel asks taking my shoulders. His hands are so warm against my shoulders. I wasn't expecting that.

"Yes" is my answer. How do you say no to The Weeknd?.

He looks to Cash, "Can we get them ear pieces and get them into sound check?"

"Yeah sure Abe". Cash ushers us out and takes us to a room where someone puts a ear piece in my ear. I'm watching Callum as they do this. What the hell was he thinking setting me up like this in front of Abel no less.

I think he feels me watching him, his eyes cut to me and he smiles. I return it not wanting to lay into him in front of these people. Maybe at the after party where no one is paying attention.

We follow Cash to sound check where he asks how we're doing the song.

"Nava should sing the first verse and chorus then I'll sing the second and we come together to end it".

Cash looks to me to confirm this. I nod my head. "Okay, sing for me Nava"

By the time we get our parts down we're told the show is ready to begin. Welsey, Callum and I don't have to join the audience. We get to watch Abel from back stage.

When it's our turn I walk out on stage ready to get this over with. Abel is sitting on a stoll in the back holding a guitar ready to begin. I look out on the crowd feeling a rush. I can do this

"Say it louder, say it louder
Who's gonna love you like me, like me?
Say it louder, say it louder
Who's gonna touch you like me, like me?

Ooh, said you wanna be good, but you couldn't keep your composure
Ooh, said you wanna be good, but you're begging me to come over
Ooh, come over, ooh
Saying, who's gonna fuck you like me? Yeah"

Singing the chorus I think of all the times Callum called me to hook up. I never failed to say yes, he was impossible to say no to at the time.

Callum walks onto stage singing the second verse. I watch him like I practiced, I watch him as he sings to me how I wanted closure, how I was begging him to come over.

He's touching my face as he sings that I live for pain, that I'm afraid to be loved, that he'll always be there for me. I'm lost in his eyes as I absorb what he's saying to me. I'm starting to think he's using this song against me and it's a powerful feeling radiating off him.

When the guitar solo comes up I'm prepared to walk away like instructed but Callum grabs my hand pulling me to him then his lips descend on mine making me freeze. I wasn't expecting this, we haven't talked in months and he's kissing me like nothing between us has changed.

Guitar solo over, Callum pulls back so I can sing my part of the final chorus

"I don't wanna hurt you, but you live for the pain",

I sing to him. I've completely forgotten about the audience

"I'm not tryna say it, but it's what you became"

He sings back smoothing his thumb over my cheek.

"You want me to fix you, but it's never enough"

It's almost like we're having a conversation now as we sing back and forth

"That's why you always call me, cause you're scared to be loved"

He sings. I now wonder if I'm afraid to be loved like these lyrics are saying.

"But I'll always be there for you, I'll always be there for you

I'll always be there for you, girl, I have no shame"

"I'll always be there for you, I'll always be there for you
I'll always be there for you, boy, I have no shame"

I finish the song.

The audience erupts into applause ending the moment. Abel comes between us to introduce us.

"This is Nava Ellison and Callum Brooks, my new openers. Lets give them another round of applause!"

Did he just say new openers?

This is my very first fanfiction story about someone famous.



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