Trickster Read Count : 97

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Trickster shows his wares
To make you follow along
Never showing exactly the thing
Just enough to drag you along

Manipulate and deceive 
To make you sin again
Make you cross that line
Just one more time

Still a hint of truth
Wrapped up in lies
To make you sit and wonder
What’s behind his eyes

Speaks his words eloquently 
Look, nothing up his sleeve
But we’ve been here before
He means to deceive 

Watch him as he moves
Like a snake in the grass
Subtle in his deception
To not telegraph

Just what he is doing
And what he is after
But still drawing you in
To miss the hereafter 

Handing out compliments
To knock you off your feet
Keeping you unbalanced
While he remains discrete

He paints a wondrous picture
Full of hope and light
Hoping you’ll miss the devil
Hidden in the night

Dressed in brilliant clothes
Made for him to look sharp
Made to draw the eye
Away from the moving mark

Magician in his manner
King in his stride
Does whatever it takes
To bring you to his side

Watch and be wary
For people such as this
For they will not be there for you
Just as if you didn’t exist


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