Dark Academy Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
They all said I was crazy, but it turns out I was right. It all started when I moved to a new town and went to the local school. Something was off about the school though.
I guess I should start with my name. I'm Doug Skwich, and this is the story of how I became the new art teacher at Orthiem Academy. My school days were dull, but as the weeks went by, I noticed that the teachers all had a picture of their younger selves along a wall.
I confronted Mr. Matthews the art teacher about the pictures. He said that they all graduated from the school. However, upon further investigation, I discovered that they didn't graduate. In fact, the only evidence for their existence was the pictures. No one else found any of this information monumentally disturbing.
I broke into the school after hours, something's going on, and I WILL get to the bottom of this. I found out why their pictures are on the wall. They were goody-goodies. They never missed a day. They were part of Student Council. They may not have graduated together, but they were supposed to graduate from here.
I now know why they never graduated. Mr. Matthews said that they were replacements for the previous teachers. Some darkness was keeping them prisoners. Every staff member was a student, all of them were trapped. I was the first person to figure it out, and I might be the last.
No one believes me. Even the crazy guy called my statement "farfetched." They'll see, oh they will see.
It seems like the only person who knows what's going on is the art teacher. But why? Why is he the only one who knows the secrets of this place?
This is my last year here, and then I am out of this crazy-mixed-up place. I will not become a slave to this school. I will find a way to break the curse. I will save them.
I feel it. It's pulling me. I can't escape. I'm becoming like the art teacher.
People are calling me crazy. They laugh at me because I'm right, and they don't see it.
It happened, Mr. Matthews fell down a flight of stairs and died, and somehow I was placed in charge of the art class.

It's been years since I discovered the horrible history of my school. I know the truth, but the others are blind to it. I've seen students as well as teachers come and go. And now it seems like my time is up. Someone else has noticed what I noticed all those years ago. Will this cycle never end. Maybe if I can get him to drop this investigation, maybe if I can show him a different path, then the curse will be lifted. Maybe... 


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