Writer's Outlet FAQ Read Count : 278

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Miscellaneous

Hello Writer's Outlet community. I get asked a lot of questions and I put together an FAQ for you which will eventually be in the main menu on the app as well. I hope this helps. Thank you as always for your support and all of your writings, photos, messages, comments and for helping this app grow. 

Writer’s Outlet FAQ

How do I rate, comment and share writings?-Click the plus button on the writing to open the comment and share function. You can rate and comment from the same function. To share yours or another writing to your social media accounts, e-mail or text message, just click share and it will pull up your accounts.

How do I delete a writing? Go to your profile and swipe left on the file you wish to delete. You can also edit your writings this way as well.

How do I find and accept friend requests? Go to notifications in the main menu and swipe left on the request to accept or reject it.

How do I turn on and off notifications? This can be done from the main menu

How do I turn on and off adult writings? First, you need to enter your birthday in your profile. 18 and over only. Then, you turn adult writings to on in the main menu and you will be able to read and add content to the adult writing section.

Can I write in any language? Yes you can. This app has no rules or restrictions. Write as little or as much as you want about anything in any language. You control who sees it and how much you share.

How do I upload documents? To upload a document, choose upload document and it will allow you to choose a file from your device. We support most file types. Upload text, audio, photo or video.

How do I find writings? We have a find writings option in our main menu. You can search by name of the writer if you know it or by title of the work if you know that. If you don’t know who or what you are looking for, you can search by genre and sub genre to find something new to read.

How do I contact Writer’s Outlet with issues? E-mail writersoutletllc@gmail.com and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

How do I invite a friend to edit my writing? Once you are friends with someone, you can invite them to edit your writing. Click invite friend to edit and it will send them an invite to edit your writing. You can remove that person at any time and they can reject the request or leave the edit sharing at any time.

What are read counts? Read counts are how many times your writing has been read since you published it on Writer’s Outlet

Where can I find read counts? Read counts are on the top of the page under your name, title, category and date/time

Do I have to upload a cover photo? No, you can bypass this and a colored circle will be assigned to your writing in place of a photo. A photo will help your writing stand out in the library.

Do I have to use my real name and location? No you don’t. You can use any alias you want and put any location or any other information you want in your profile. It is your profile, be creative but there are no requirements.

How does a writer make it to most popular writings? Popular writings are based on read counts. The more you share your writings and tell people about Writer’s Outlet and get them to download the app and read your writings, the easier it is to climb to the most popular writings page. This is helpful as when a new user first sees our homepage, they will often read the most popular writings and rate and comment on them.

How does a writer make it to top writers?Top writers is for the writers who have written the most recently and have the most interactions. If you want to be featured in top writers, write a lot and write often but make sure you write well as readers and publishers want to read interesting works.

How do I change the language from English to Spanish? Go to change language in the main menu and switch to Spanish or back to English

Is my work protected? We put in several safeguards for you. We put a time and date stamp so if anyone tried to claim your work as theirs, you have that stamp to prove it is yours and was yours from that minute. We also put a block on copying works except in the edit function so other people can’t just copy your entire work electronically. 

I want to save my work but I have to exit out of the app what can I do? Save your work as a private writing until you are ready to finish it and then you can switch it to public when you are done and ready to share it.

I hate all of these ads. Is there anything I can do? We offer an ads free subscription for $9.99 per year. The ads are there to make sure Writer’s Outlet is and always will be free to download.

I want to add my social media account to my profile. It doesn’t connect properly, what am I doing wrong? When adding your social media accounts to your profile, don’t use the @ for any of them. Just the handle.


  • great this will really help

    Sep 01, 2017

  • yay

    Sep 01, 2017

  • how to find how many followers do you have?

    Jun 11, 2018

  • Apr 01, 2019

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