The Fates Are Smiling. Read Count : 147

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I didn't know when we first met I'd fall this hard.
I didn't know you'd become so important to me.
I didn't think you actually existed, but I'm happy.
I'm your baby girl and you're my amazing Daddy.

Everyone around us thinks we're crazy for moving fast.
But what they don't see, our conversations last.
We're open about the good, the ugly, and the bad.
We've so much on common, mostly just the sad.

I promise I will speak when I'm upset at you 
I don't speak hurtful, that is true.
I'll speak with love and undying affection.
You're too important to lose, my addiction.

We met on a whim, it wouldn't mean a lot to others.
But we're fated. So we don't need to explain. 
We speak our own language now,
And we're in love, to see it, it's plain. 

You're that couple that falls quickly and stays together.
We've been through some bad shit this life,
Next lifetime we'll find each other sooner.
The Fates are smiling on us, and will always do.


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