Earthquake In Morocco Read Count : 184

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
It was meant to be a normal night,
But when two confront each other to fight,
The wrestle must go on, no matter what.
As they confronted, they caused an assualt
That impactedm many people -  a nation.
The world reacted to this devistation
And some immediately hastened
To send help, so, in the country, they're stationed.

Now, the death toll is still on rise
As Morocco continuously tries
To save those remaining, hidden away
Under the rubble where they all lay.
It's amongst the strongest earthquakes experienced
In the past century by Morocco.

Wishing a peaceful rest to those who died, a quick recovery for those injured, strength and patience to everyone who experienced it as well as the families and friends of those impacted...


  • Beautiful poem I'm praying for your people.

    Sep 11, 2023

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