Just A Girl... Read Count : 133

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Im also the girl, yes I still call myself girl, that runs outside barefoot dancing in the first summer rainstorm, singing and dancing in the wind. Im the girl that watches the first real snow in winter with a blanket wrapped around me, shivering but running barefoot in the snow. Those little moments are what makes life grand. Gives me gratitude for the bad days.


I have physical health issues and mental health issues. I still force myself to get past them. But on certain days, my eyes are vacant and my mind is off somewhere.


I understand if I am too much for anyone. Im hard to love, or so Im told. A friend said that Im like a the pixie girls in movies or stories that change everything around them but never caught. I related. I want to be caught. I want to be in a cage. I also want to have someone in the cage with me. Someone that will wake me up when they hear thunder and go dancing in the rain with me. The one that will go on walks in parks or a forest to collect leaves and other things to make a memory.



  • Sep 10, 2023

  • Sep 11, 2023

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