Moments Of Loneliness Inside Read Count : 116

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
You will have people 
To talk to throughout your life 
And even so, here will be 
Moments of loneliness inside. 

 People who will listen to you, 
People you will listen to,
 People will find it difficult to please you, 
You will find it difficult to please people.  

Share your ideas, your vibe, 
The surrounding hell and paradise, 
Hello, Hi... Goodbye, bye.


  • Sep 01, 2023

  • I liked it very much I thought that it reflected what each of us does experience in our lives and that loneliness is quite real and sometimes it can be long or short depending on our situation. but again a very poignant and very effective poem.

    Sep 14, 2023

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