Soulfire Read Count : 114

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I admit when you found me I was an utter mess
Completely broken and without joy.
I wasn’t much fun to be around and I couldn’t see through my darkness.
I had lost the joy of living and couldn’t dig my way out of the hole of loss and anguish I had buried myself in.
But, you showed me that love isn’t full of just heartache and pain..that there’s a different side of love that I had never felt before.
I know you’ve been here through it all, and I just wanted to say thank you.
You’ve been patient with me and held my hand through the hard days..
Even wiped away my tears as I cried.
I thought heartache would destroy me, and it truly might have if you hadn’t shown up when you did.
Your selfless love and undying devotion to my broken soul started to show me how to let the light in again.
You loved me when I didn’t love myself and showed me kindness without expecting anything in return, and that's something I have ever known.
I’m sure I would have found my way eventually, but you did it from a place of love..
And I don’t think “thank you” is sufficient enough to show how very deeply I care about you.
It’s been a  journey with a lot of down days, but you’ve never backed down or disappeared a single time, and I’m know it wasn’t  easy..
I was a disaster for the longest time..and not the beautiful sort.
You didn’t just help me put myself back together again, you held my hand and patiently showed me the way back to myself.
You reminded me of my strength when I didn’t have the courage to look for it myself.
I couldn’t face the demons that haunted my thoughts at night, but you distracted them in a way that somehow gave me peace..if only for a short time.
So, as I look into the eyes of your beautiful soul, I’m overwhelmed with the blessing that I found in you.
You were everything I never knew I needed and you gave me a safe haven from my storms.
You loved me when I didn’t know how to love myself,
And for that and so much more,
I’m going to spend the rest of our lives showing you just how very special you are to me.
Thank you for being here through it all, loving me unconditionally,
And most of all, showing me how to love myself when I had forgotten how.
You’ll always be my one true thing,
Now and for always.
My soulmate


  • Mar 12, 2023

  • Mar 16, 2023

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