Wishing And Could Have Been Read Count : 158

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I'm trying, that's all it is.
Push myself, and push myself then comes the break.
Getting knocked back down, the truth though, I never did learn how to move on, I just went on, and now I see this pot of stew. It can't sit still longer than it should, that equals overcooked with potato mush and whatever else was in the mix. 
I'm stuck on just survive, an eye opener for the wise.
This heart is over-bloody; beaten and I kept pumping into it all this self-doubt with self-hate that followed.
You're right, it's on me, it's my own fault for letting it all get so blindingly black. 
It's so stressful, and not trusting anyone is starting to truly show. 
I've tried to end my life dozens of times, and I'm alive now drenched in fear.
Those I wishes and could have beens need to rest.


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