Letter To Self Read Count : 121

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I know you’ve had a tough time lately..but you made it through.
You’re still standing, still smiling and still going.
I realize that so many times you didn’t think you’d make it, you’ve felt lost and alone…didn’t know where you’d find your strength.
Stop worrying about what you can’t control, what’s already happened and the people that let you down.
The sooner you let go of that pain and anger the better your life will be..
Or at least it’s a start.
I’m not going to tell you some fantasy about how magically your life will change and that your wishes will all come true..
But I will tell you that you hold that power…
To start seeing the good in things and even people.
To start remembering who you are and what you can do.
To start having hope, dreams and passion in your life again.
It’s so easy to get lost in the day today of surviving and getting pulled under by this life.
But you’re better than that.
You don’t have to have all the answers, know the right path or even see where you’re headed.
You just have to start.
Take a step, make some plans, start to believe in yourself..whatever it takes.
You’ve been saying “what if” and “I wish” for too long.
This is your time and your choice.
Close the chapters to what has been and start anew with fresh feelings and hope.
But it all comes down to you.
Take charge of your happiness.
No one else will ever be able to make you happy like you can.
Start listening to your heart, let your soul find peace and remember those dreams that you buried so long ago.
Take one step after another, little victories, small changes and a happier heart.
You can do this.
May your week be filled with the beautiful moments of life, the feelings that spark your spirit and the love that will change your life.
This is your time.
Stand up, find yourself and your voice and walk a new path.
 I know that you’re capable of more and deserve better.
In the end, it’s all up to you what you make of your life.
So, start now and begin to make it amazing.
Every day, in every way..
You’ll be glad you did.
Everything you’ve ever wanted has always been waiting on you.
Go find it..
One breath, one moment, one step one day at a time.


  • Mar 08, 2023

  • Beautiful!💜

    Mar 08, 2023

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