Waking Up Read Count : 123

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I woke up one day and realized I was someplace in my life that I never wanted to be.
Chasing love, people and things landed me so far from who I was and where I had wanted to go.
More than that, I had settled too often and stopped remembering what I deserved.
I had believed that love would always be a positive experience and once I realized that some people come into our lives to teach us but never stay..
That’s when I started waking up.
I had poured all of myself, my heart and my hopes into broken roads, dead end people and empty possessions that I wound up not liking who I was or what I stood for.
I had a choice to make:
Either be okay with being treated poorly or get up, speak up and stand up for myself…
So that’s what I did.
I won’t lie- it was hard trying to reclaim the person I was and fight to be heard and seen when I’d forgotten how for so long.
That’s also when I learned who would always stand beside me with love and support..
And who stuck around trying to manipulate me, take from me and push me down to elevate themselves.
Not only am I walking away from those people, I’m burning the bridges to all the places I never should have been to begin with.
This is my story and my choice.
And I’m choosing a different direction.
One full of positivity and light, love and respect..all the things I had forgotten while chasing the wrong things for the right reasons.
Every day, I’m choosing happiness, and I know how hard that is, especially during the times when everything goes wrong.
Times when I don’t want the face the world and the weight of everything falls on my shoulders..
But I’m strong enough to keep going and rise above.
I will still struggle and I’ll still fail, but at least I’ll do it my way.
It might be a while before I fly again, but I’ll get there.
I remind myself that everything happens for a reason and this is my time to grow, evolve and find myself again.
This is the chapter where I remember how to love myself.
Not just because I want to,
But because I deserve to…
And that’s all the reason I’ll ever need.
One day at a time, I’ll get there.


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