The Wait. Read Count : 139

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

You left on a train to London,
Leaving alone with our only son.
With tiny hands outstretched, he plead with you,
I had to suck it up and bid you adieu.

As he grows he begins to wonder,
Asking, "Mama, where's papa?"
I smile and kiss his cheek,
Knowing I can't give him that which he seeks.

As the strong grow weak,
You come back,
That which he seeks.

Ever young,
Ever strong,
You give me a heartfelt smile,
That which I hadn't seen in a while.

Now, united again,
Waiting not in vain,
I could only say,
This is the only way...
You, me, and
Our darling Ree.


  • 😃

    Aug 30, 2017

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