Is It Love? Read Count : 120

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Is it love?

I feel you everytime in my breath,
I find you every night in my dreams,
Your feelings disturb me day and night
Tell me dearest---
Is it love?

Your kind hearted gratitude always admired me
Your whole hearted love for other always bother me
Achieved you by someone always upset me
Your honesty and sincerity always pulls me
Towards you
Tell me dearest---
Is it love?

Aye Stopped!!!

I have to tell you something
Something is yet to tell
I wanna talk with you
I wanna chat with you
I wanna walk with you
In hand in hand
Fear to express
What if, you leave me
What if ,I loss frendship with you
I don't want to loss you
Tell me dearest---
Is it love?

It's clear that it's not attraction
It's something else
I fail to understand 
I fail to define
Tell me dearest----
Is it love?


  • Jan 29, 2023

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