HE CAME FOR YOU AND ME Read Count : 123

Category : Scripts

Sub Category : Plays
-Look yourself in the mirror baby girl, what do you see
I see myself but...but what happened to me
-Tell me what do you see
Am broken, depressed, anxious, tired of waiting,sick, stabbed by people l love, drowned with thoughts about my insecurities.l no longer recognise my self....what.. what have I become
-you are not all that you say you are and what you see in the mirror.You have been very strong and am proud of what you have become I made you in my own image,you're me.l came
to heal the broken hearted and get you out of the prisons you created for yourselves.come to me you who are stressed and l will give you rest.
    But who are you...l hear people talk about you
-who do you think l am
     I...l think you're the Messiah, Jesus Christ
-l came to save and heal people like you
Luke 5:31-32"Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.l have not come to call the righteous,but sinners to repentance".


  • God's here for you

    Jan 24, 2023

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