Read Count : 145
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
( chorus )From it Get Cu—t!Fro-m th-eGun-shots I-nM-y Bra-ke-lin-e,All Tir-es To-r-n U-p,As W-e Look AtWhat Se-ems to B-eA Dead En-d S-ign.1When the Dust Clear-s,Fo-r O-ve-r 4-00 Years,We En-slavedIn Ba-by-lonAt the End of Get You-rFucken Hands Up!N-o Lon-g-er Want toLis-ten to Thei-r Com-mand-s.So much of Thi-s Dus-t!But The-y Ar-eNot o-f Ou-r F-a-the-rAb-ra-ha-m.So Our Han-ds Are Up!But not to Give Up!But W-ith Gun-sIn Both Hand-s( chorus )From it Get Cu—t!Fro-m th-eGun-shots I-nM-y Bra-ke-lin-e,All Tir-es To-r-n U-p,As W-e Look AtWhat Se-ems to B-eA Dead En-d S-ign.2As we Look up!Glori-ous Things areSaid of You,Je-ru-sale-m.As Fo-r Us!It is Sai-d In The4t-h Chap-ter ofSe-con-d Cor-in-thian-s.It is Best For Us to RunFor the Promised Land,With Guns Blazing!Hand in Hand..Ra-the-r Tha-n ,To Spen-d TheRest of O-ur Earth-lyLives Locks Up!Cuffed T-o An-other’s Han-d.( chorus )From it Get Cu—t!Fro-m th-eGun-shots I-nM-y Bra-ke-lin-e,All Tir-es To-r-n U-p,As W-e Look AtWhat Se-ems to B-eA Dead En-d S-ign.From it Get Cu—t!Fro-m th-eGun-shots I-nM-y Bra-ke-lin-e,All Tir-es To-r-n U-p,As W-e Look AtWhat Se-ems to B-eA Dead En-d S-ign.3S-lo-w-in-g to a D-ead Stop!Caugh-t Afte-r A 3State Police Chase,High Speed Drive.Behind Us Guns Up And AVoice is say-ing “ PassengerAnd Drive-r O-pen the Doors,And S-low-ly Step Ou-t-side “.But W-e Ta-ke Of-f!Runn-ing withGuns Bla-zing WhileHold-ing Hand-s,I Can’t Forget theBar-Rage Of Sho-ts fromBe-hind while Lo-ok-ing,At the Bor-der Lin-e.( chorus )From it Get Cu—t!Fro-m th-eGun-shots I-nM-y Bra-ke-lin-e,..All Tir-es To-r-n U-p,
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