Lav Read Count : 114

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

What is With a-ll The-se,

Long-Ste-m Ro-ses ?

What is With a-ll The-se,

Bo-xes O-f Cho-co-lates?

Like I Dis-turbed a 

Nest O-f Yell-ow

Jack-ets  a-ll The-se,

Long-Stemmed Thorn-s .

I have not Se-en You

In su-ch a Lo-ng Ti-me,

Now You Show up,

Val-en-tines Da-y!

It’s Fun-ny I am 

Read-ing These 

Cards S-o Sweet,

Not Be-liev-ing.

The Way His 

Bead-y Goo-gley 

Eyes are Star-ing 

Right Thr-u  Me!

I have not Se-en You

In su-ch a Lo-ng Ti-me.

Now You Show up

Val-en-tines Da-y!

Say-ing that I have been

Run-ning Thru your Mind!

So Pl-ease Te-ll Me,

Wha-t Is My Na-me?

And as If a-ny O-ne 

Of The-se Treats,

Can e-ver be

More Pleasure than

You who Can’t 

Do a-ny Be-tter.

You are Bitter-Sweet!

With De-ceiving Le-tters !


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