In Love With The Devil Read Count : 126

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Captivating eyes

                        He can tell no lies

He steals my soul

           And turns my heart cold

I’m in love with the devil

                  oh how I’m in trouble

Send help on the double 

                       Heart black as night 

Soulless captivating eyes

                 I’ve lost the final piece of my soul

My heart his 

                         and no longer mine

            Craving him through out the day Yearning for his tender touch 

                   Hearing his voice in my ear

His absence 

                   haunting me 

                                 taunting me 

like the ghost of my lonely tears 

               I’m in love with the devil

 oh how I’m in trouble 

                   Send help on the double 

      He’s turned my heart black 

Without his touch my skin has turned cold

      Without him I’m empty 

                         a demon with no soul 

I fell in love with the devil 

                     my heart 


                    and no longer mine 



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