A Bit About Me Read Count : 109

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Hi there! Welcome to my anonymous blog. This is a place where I will rant and talk about my everyday life. I'll talk about how my day at school was and my feelings. You guys basically get to see what it's like to be me, living my life. 

First things first. My best friend's name on here is Sparky. They're awesome and I'll talk about them a lot. Another important person in my life will be called Sky. 

Also, please remember that I'm a human and make mistakes just like you do. I have my oppinions and you have yours. If you don't agree with me, ignore that part of my blog. If you hate it so bad, I won't be offended if you don't read my blog anymore. 

Okay, now that that's said, I'll be off now. 

Until next time, just stay you ;) 


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