Practice Write - Show Don't Tell
Read Count : 176
Category : Notes/work
Sub Category : N/A
The lake is my little piece of heaven where I reflect on my thoughts and clear my mind. It's where I enjoy a good sunset when I need time to myself. I walk nearly a mile down that tar-and-chip road in the middle nowhere, clear to the end and down a thin dirt trail that cuts through a deeply wooded area, known as the Pennsylvania State Game Lands. Twigs crackle and stones crunch beneath my sneakers. The croaks and chirps of wildlife reverberate through the forest and into the distance. I stroll my way around the final curve towards the light at the end of the path which brings me to my destination. I stand on the edge of the embankment that meets the ripply waters of Pymatuning Lake, which is surrounded by pine trees along the shorelines. I get a breathtaking view of the sky ablaze with hues of orange from the setting sun, just minutes from descending below the horizon, still reflecting off the water. I gaze out until I can no longer see the dying sun and the twilight takes over. I draw in a deep breath and exhale before backtracking up the winding trail before every last bit of daylight crumbles to darkness and I can no longer see where the hell I'm going. Another gorgeous day has come and gone.