A Kite
Read Count : 189
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
“Shanti, Shanti where are the kids?” Exclaimed Raghav in his usual fussy voice. He had just moved out of bed after a long stressful night. “They are in the frontyard” replied Shanti “ what! And you allowed? What kind of discipline are you teaching the kids?” Irritation peaked within shanti and she showed his husband the date encircled and said “ Ragav, it’s Makar Sankranti how can you expect the kids to sit indoor?”Ragav then regretted the way his exclamation and stiffly covered up “ I am upset that the kids did not think important to greet me, in our old days when I was a kid I would….” Shanti just couldn’t bare this and her anger exploded “oh so sleeping till 12 pm was fine in your old days? and was not against your disciplinary rules?” And Ragav, left with nothing to counter said “ where is my tea?”Shanti with a grin replied “ jaali tumchi shaanpatti, here is your tea”.Unknown with this indoor mess Tina and Munna were happily flying kites with there other friends. Munna was busy competing with his friends and Tina was left all alone. While flying her kite she realised the the kites tends to always move higher and higher in the air with the air currents. Then she wondered what pulls it back? And it strikes her that it was she pulling it back so she left the string. But she observed that the kite was still restrained from going higher and she was unable to understand when she saw the string tied to the kite. She instantly broke the thread and set the kite free but then it flew so high that it was out of her site. And the voice in her heart told her that she had lost her favourite kite forever.*** THE END ***