Fuck You Read Count : 128

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Sometimes silence says more than words
could ever truly say. 
Something of an expert, 
Been deaf most of my days. 
I'm intimate with silence
that most will never know. 
So when I give it to you
I'm speaking from my soul. 
Literally it's a part of me, 
ears were born damaged and broken. 
 I've lived with it long enough
to know some truths are best unspoken. 
And it's my go-to language
When my soul is pouring water, 
damaged from whatever
just broke my heart once again. 
Let this be a lesson, 
"Silence speaks my truth, 
more than any words could say, 
although generally says "fuck you".


  • Apr 30, 2023

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