Curiosity Killed The Cat Read Count : 156

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Thriller
We'd just let go of our old Persian cat, but. No matter how I tried I couldn't stop thinking about her. My parents, Mary and Jake, said we could get another one. I didn't want to because i felt like it would be betraying her... 

But against my wishes they bought another white Persian. Her name was Liz, Liz was jumpy and ecstatic. Just like Mandy, the old cat. But... Shortly after we got her she'd gotten hit by a car...
She didn't make it, I cried for weeks. But, my parents again went against everything and got another cat.  

Her name was Abby,  Abby was slow and small. But cute aswell. Abby.. Eaten alive by the cougars in our area... Died. My parents gave up and went back to their normal lives...
I couldn't stop thinking about Mandy...

Maybe.. Maybe i should just leave. I go to the front door and open it up. 

There was Mandy, covered in cat's blood and half her body missing. Sitting at my door.


  • i like this

    Aug 30, 2017

  • Maya Feilhear

    Maya Feilhear


    Aug 30, 2017

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