Failed Relationship
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Category : Diary/Journal
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I’m sure everyone has a special someone that didn’t work out for whatever reason. It happened to me recently. It hurts because I thought she was the one that I would be spending the rest of my life with but unfortunately it didn’t work out. She is an amazing woman/mother. The reason why she is special to me even though it didn’t work out is because from the very beginning she proved to me that she was willing to go through hell and back for me. Since the beginning of our relationship we had a lot of people/family against us. We got through it but at the end all the people against us won. It’s unfortunate that their want/need to separate us was strong than what we have for each other.
Infinite Note
Yeah, I was forced to break up with who I fell in love with. Literally forced to, it killed me inside for years, and I buried it until recently when it just came out of nowhere, and I couldnt stop crying. Still am, I'll come back stronger for sure. I never truly tried to face any of this before now. Thank you for sharing.
Mar 27, 2023