Hated Myself For So Long Read Count : 168

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
I'll be here, waiting.
Come to the door any time, or tell me where to go to meet you. 
I'll hold you how I always held you, and hold a bit longer for all the time that I missed. 
You landed a critical hit the moment I found your music last year.
I cried, I still am most nights.
I had no idea we were going through the same things.
I wish I didn't let fear control my actions when we started seeing each other again. 
You were the best part of everyday. 
I'm sorry I hurt you, and I'm sorry for never telling you what really happened. 
I still don't even know if my parents were being truthful when they said your parents wanted to press charges...
I never talked to you about it, and that's what prevented me from telling you...
I've hated myself so long for all of this...


  • Mar 27, 2023

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