Daddy. (part 2) Read Count : 288

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I stayed awake all night.
I was tired, my eyes were red,
But i was just too afraid to close my eyes.
I couldn't stop thinking, i couldn't stop panicking.
"Am i turning mad?"
"Is this real?" 
"What is happening to me..??" i thought to myself.
I skipped work for almost a week until i hopefully, get better.

My wife never believed in this stuff, i felt crazy, although she kept trying to calm me down and make me feel safe.
I told her everything, but she never believed me.
Why didn't she? why..?
She told me i needed to see a Psychologist.
"Or am i..?"
I tried to control my thoughts, think about something that makes me happy, something funny or something that makes me less scared at least.
But i can't get those things out of my mind, it's like a nightmare with my eyes opened.
My life is turning to a nightmare.
My wife made me something hot to drink,
I felt relaxed and i finally fell asleep.

It was the biggest mistake i did in my life.

I saw her, the pale girl smiling at me with sharp bloody teeth, blood was coming out of her eyes, ears, nose and mouth,
She held a knife and giggled as she got closer to me.
And i, I was standing still, i couldn't move, i couldn't scream for help, i could barely breath.
She started cutting my wrists slowly,
It was so painful as it wasn't a dream.
Maybe it isn't a dream..
I could scream.. I screamed so loud as i woke up, with my wrists full of blood.
"IT WAS REAL." i cried.
My wife quickly came to the room to check on me and saw my scars.
"What happened, Kevin? Why did you do this?" She cried.
"Don't hurt yourself like this"
She hugged me so tight and i was frozen unable to speak.
She will never believe me if i told her, the pale girl did it.
I decided i will never sleep again, i want to end this suffering.

The next day came and I've never been so tired, unfortunately my wife had to go to work, she had an important meeting she had to attend or she'll lose her job.
I begged her to stay but she never knew how much i suffered, she called my sister to come and stay with me while she's away.
I rested on the bed and grabbed a book that seems interesting to me, trying to forget everything and focus on the interesting content of the book.
Everything was fine for a while when i heard someone knock on my window.
I was on the second floor, it can't be the mail man, it can't be a kid playing.
It must be...
I looked in horror,
It was the girl, crawling on the window, 
Like a reptile, smiling at me.
My heart stopped beating for a while.
I couldn't stop staring, she looked into my eyes, her bloody wide eyes froze me..
We kept staring at eachother for a while that seemed like forever.
Then she crawled above my window.
"I love you, daddy" She said.
I cried so hard, I'd rather be dead than see her everyday, what did i do to deserve this?
I wanted to call for help but my phone was in the living room and i was too scared to get up.
I was afraid of closing my eyes and more afraid of opening them.
I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to die and end all the suffering..
I kept crying until i saw her in the mirror,
She was crying too, she called my name,
her voice was too loud.
I covered my ears in horror and got out of bed and ran downstairs.
"Sing me to sleep" She repeated her words as i ran out of my house in horror.
I ran between the empty houses, and i saw her face in every window.
I screamed for help.
I ran where my feet took me until i saw a house that has people who lived in it.

"OPEN, PLEASE!" I shouted as i knocked so hard on the door.
An old man opened the door.
"Can i help you?" he asked confusingly.
"Yes, please can i get in?" i said with terror in my eyes.
"Of course" He said while opening the door for me to get in.
His name was Mr.Spencer, he was a very nice old man.
He's the only one who believed me..
I told him what happened.
He told me he knew how i feel.

"I've got to tell you something very important, Kevin."
"You have to always keep the lights on."
I listened to his advice, he made me feel comfortable, he made me feel safe.
We kept talking about our lives..
After a while my wife called me, she's already home, I told Mr.Spencer i had to go.
"Thank you Mr.Spencer, You truly helped me alot, I appreciate that." I said to him.
"You're welcome." He said happily.
I waved him goodbye and headed home.
I went home, took my wife to our room.
I told her everything, begging her to believe me.
"You've got to believe me, I'm not crazy.."
"I believe you, Kevin.. don't worry, i won't leave you alone anymore. don't ever worry again.." she said while hugging me.
I felt sleepy, I decided I'll take a nap, and this time,
I'll keep the lights turned on.

I slept so good, and i woke up feeling extremely happy, is it really over?
Will keeping the lights on finally end my suffering?


  • Erica D

    Erica D


    Apr 10, 2017

  • Hailey Hyena

    Hailey Hyena

    I cant wait for the next!

    Apr 11, 2017


    Sep 01, 2017

  • Apr 11, 2017

  • Mystery  Author

    Mystery Author

    oh my god im hooked

    Sep 25, 2018

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