Read Count : 144
Category : Poems
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Rewriting historyBy tearing down statuesOf our heroesThat you despiseCrying out for fairnessWhile keeping us downFreedom to say anythingAs long as it conformsRailing against religionTalking about false prophetsNot understanding relationshipsAnd the hearts entanglementCursing to a GODYou don’t understandBlaspheming his creationWith your gender identityTurning loose the criminalsWriting new lawsThat are stricter for civiliansAdvancing your causeUndocumented peopleStreaming over the borderTaking from us our waysAnd the money we pay… in taxesPoint the finger at the pastSay here is the causeWhen all can see your actionsHave broken our lawsPrices have skyrocketedCost of living riding highWho will sell us easeWhen we can’t afford to driveCause of great concernOur leaders state of mindWho is in chargeOn this day and timeIs it the man behind the curtainOr a wife’s guiding handWho is the true leaderOf this once great landFriends are now our enemyWho is primed for warIs there any wayTo close this open doorWill cooler heads prevailWill ego take the dayWho has the most powerWill we listen to what they sayCan you seeWhat our future will beCan you see if there’s peaceHere, for you and meCan we overcome our blundersMake things right againWill our leaders, here and abroadCome to confess their sins?Words have new meaningsDefinition made to fitThe new world orderAnd what’s become of itWatch as our leadersSell us to the slaughterSitting on their thronesDebauching their own daughtersScenes of BabylonBefore the naked eyeWho will be wise counselFor those about to dieWe have been broughtTo the gallows one and allIs now the timeWhen everything falls