"Mental Illness" Bipolar/Schizophrenia Read Count : 121

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Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities.

1. Usually with bipolar also in a spiritual sense is usually you have to recognize the causes behind bipolar but personally from my experience it all has to stem back from childhood trauma for instance in my case the fear of abandonment or neglect which is a spirit of rejection. So the rejection spirit opens up another for many spirits but psychologically we would equate it to schizophrenia or schizo effective usually the word schizo mean "split" which schizophrenia is basically the splitting of the mind, but deeper into the spiritual with bipolar being rejection which opens to schizophrenia/schizo effective which  is nothing but a spirit called "Legion" which means 'many' or many spirits. Mark 5:3-20, Matthew 8:28-34, Luke 8:26-40

2.  Usually first we have to deal with the rejection which is generational, but whatever was instilled from early childhood through families time usually is passed down through generations which is actually generational curses but as i said before there are families that has certain types of spirits but would have to discern what the sickness is than what spirit is behind it. 

Also usually with mania or lunatic
We have to understand on a medical term mania is stress based

But spiritually mania is caused by stress, stress is caused by fear, fear is caused by worry, and worry is caused by a lack of trust, and a lack of trust is caused by doubt which is a sin.

Usually in the mind usually when the devil causes us to doubt and loose trust in God,then he first causes us to worry even though we know that God tells us not worry. Proverbs 3:5, Matthew 6:24

But whenever worry steps in then  opens up a spirit to you which is fear, then fear brings upon stress then from stress we have mania.

3. But what is mania?


The terms "mania" and "manic episode" describe a state of mind characterized by high energy, excitement, and euphoria over a sustained period of time. It's an extreme change in mood and cognition that can interfere with school, work, or home life. Mania is also the main feature of bipolar disorder.

When we look at mania we think of either maniac or lunatic which is all within one because every spirit recognizes itself.

But we go back to lunatic
Which the root word of lunatic is the word "Luna" referring to the moon and the word lunatic technically means "moon-struck" 

Matthew 4:24

" Jesus fame spread throughout all of Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and in pains, those oppressed by demons, kthose having seizures, and lparalytics, and he healed them."

Notice that the verse I just read differentiates between demon-possessed people and lunatics. It may be that some people with mental illness are just that – sick. But at the same time, it is more than possible that many such people are demon possessed.

Notice, too, that those people were not called “lunatics,” rather they were described as “lunatic.” The word “lunatic” was originally an adjective, not a noun. If you look up the word in your average English dictionary, you’d find that it means “moon-struck.” The root word for “lunatic” is “luna,” which in Latin and its modern children, refers to the moon. And that is the definition that James Strong gives to the Greek word in our text. Furthermore, both the Greek and the English dictionary add the word “epileptic” after “moon-struck.” The child of this scripture was prone to epileptic-like attacks. But clearly – clearly – the seizures in this child were caused by a particularly vicious demon. In Luke’s account there is nothing said about “lunacy” – rather we read – “And, lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddenly crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him.” And in Mark’s account the father says that the child had been possessed by a “dumb spirit.” Then, in describing what Christ did to help, that demon was described as “dumb and deaf spirit.” That tells us that the poor little boy could neither hear or speak. But then Christ cured the child by ordering the demon to desist and depart.

We will return to these things in a couple of minutes, but I need to digress for a moment first. Please take note that this child is the focal point of a spiritual battle. We have one of the ambassadors of Satan at work in this boy’s body and in probably his soul as well. We have the natural concern of the father for the boy’s spiritual and physical condition. But then there is the intervention of the Saviour – the Son of God. The spiritual conflict here is unmistakable, because we are given the privilege of seeing more than just the surface. But I am here to tell you that we may be near-sighted witnesses to similar battles all around us. And I am not referring to mental, emotional and social problems alone. There is a spiritual struggle being fought for our apparently healthy and “normal” children and grand-children. To one degree or another every lost child – every lost soul, including adults – is a battle ground occupied by Satan. And he has no desire to give up his territory without a struggle.


  • This is repetitive at many points. Also getting tired of seeing the word loose in the place of lose. You made a new paragraph while still explaining the same things as the previous paragraph.

    Oct 14, 2022

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