Klo Read Count : 173

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side.
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u,
Reporter from 
Eye witness news.

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side.
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u,
Reporting from 
Eye witness news.

        (Verse 1)
Nite I am Reporting 
From Under dim lite Stake.
Out-special location
On a Sa-turday nite.

Nite I am Reporting 
From Under dim lite right.
Out side your  location,
Hotel  Sa-turday nite.

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side.
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u,
Reporter from 
Eye witness news.

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side.
Re-a-lizing that I,
Am On-to Yo-u.
Reporting from 
Eye witness news.

Drop kick as the Hotel 
Room door bust open wide. 
Two naked in king size,
Rough fucking much buck wild.
Whites l smil-ing Cam’ra Man 
Holds straight in a dash cam.

Bed room whose door hangs 
Leant Halfway to the floor.
There’s no need denying,
That She is not Your Day 
One boo and Woman He 
Is not Your real man to-o!

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side,
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u.
Reporter from 

Eye witness news.
Two we FilmIng,
And You have lots
Of explaining to do.

           (Verse 3)
Nite as 2 in-vestigated 
Under flashlight outright 
Guilty of hanging on
Clothes line to dry tonight.
It seems our saturday 
Night now up under strong 

Thoughts reflecting our 
Gorilla in the room.
Impending Doom think,
Now what yawl gonna do?
Walking out side to Lives now 
Ruined from you two—o.

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side,
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u.
Reporter from 
Eye witness news.

Nite as 2-Asses
Side by side,
Re-a-lizing that I 
Am On-to Yo-u.
Reporting from 
Eye witness news


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