The Visible Stair Way Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
I walking to the tree till reach on stairway to the top. Visible and people rubbing their eyes. Must be a secret door somewhere. Just like headed to the paradise. Other people joins together and headed upward to the sky. If it was a second one. Must be dark. And I continue to walk up to the sky. I can’t coming back down. I still can breathe so much fresh air. No heat and sun brights my face. No sweats from my face. Just the light take me into the visible world with unknown. When I finally reach to the top there I was nature and beautiful. I smile with tears of joy. I refuse to come back home. The door was open for all of us to start a new life. Seeing sun light and trees. Even animals running wild and free. May not have a place to rest. This is the newer generations to begins.


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