Glass Heart Read Count : 147

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror

Therapists offices were designed to make you feel depressed, beige walls, uncomfortable blue chairs and five year old magazines left lounging on a coffee stained table. I sat with my social worker, a sour faced woman that loved cardigans but had no morals. The room I was in had several doctorates hanging on the wall, apparently the doctor I was seeing this month was smarter than usual. I was slouching in the uncomfortable chair while pulling at my threading hoodie completely oblivious to the conversation happening around me. 
"Rosanna." My new and already rude social worker pointed at me, "were you even listening?" I was incredibly unimpressed with her bringing me out of my daze so I sassed her back " no I wasnt, because this conversation will probably make me seem like I'm completely off my rocker" I couldn't stand the fact that even when I was in the room this months doctor (Dr Williams) only spoke to my social worker. "As I was saying earlier." Dr Williams continued. "Rosanna here has an unhealthy obsession with the supernatural and I think she's just using this for her excuse for her parents death." I sighed heavily at her. "See I knew it, I knew you thought I was crazy when i told you about it!" I was seething at her words. The truth was that my parents had died because of a monster and not a single person belived me. 

Thank you all for reading. If i made any mistakes call me out and if you want to contribute let me know. This story was created after binge watching supernatural and fran bow lets plays. Anyways mush love very appreciate 💖


  • i love supernatural and i really like this! cant wait for more, welcome to the community! 😄

    Aug 29, 2017

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