My New Power Chapter 20 Season Finale Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Welcome back to another chapter of my new power. As you've seen in the title this episode is the season finale for my new power, the reason? I have been busy often so i cant post as much but there will be more chapters soon but it will be a while if we can get some comments saying to bring my new power back ill release new episodes even sooner and remember Im always open for opinions and I always appreciate feed back, anyways lets get right into it.

*Personality Switch To Jane*
Jane) I walked out of the Labrotory to grab a snack at the mall, the sun was finnaly going away after a long time the lab was so far from the city in a forest mostly so that civilians couldnt just walk into the lab and see a bunch of teens and some 19 year olds shooting a bunch of stuff from there hands and doing nearly the impossible.
After that I wondered what rune that boy Jack has I didnt really get to see his power,
With that I heard some rumbling in the bushes,
Hello? Is, is anyone there? I said
The rustling continued and my fear grew.
Who evers there i will attack!.
Then out of the shadows came a figure about twice my size and i had no idea who it was until part of his face showed and revealed a nasty scar.
Hunter! I said disgusted.

Hunter) ahh you remembered, well isnt that an honor

Jane) How could i forget you, after you Killed my parents! 

Hunter) ahh well those were so good times,

Jane) You Bastard! How maniacal can u get,

Hunter) Ahh sweet heart its nice to know that u think thats the most maniacal I can get.

Jane) Dont, Call Me That! What do u want!

Hunter) To send a message,

Jane) and how do u suppose your going to do that.
Out of nowhere he raised his hands up pulling rocks out of the ground a shooting them at me, I dived right, just in time for me to miss the boulders. I quickly activated my rune and used my blinding attack.

Hunter) Arhhgg! U sure like that attack dont you said Hunter blinded

Jane) It comes in handy. After saying that I charged Hunter and tried punching and kicking him multiple times.

Hunter) ahahahaha, you think that hurts young one it barely tickles.

Jane) with that he raised the ground around me throwing me of my balance he shot another two boulders toward me and I ducked to dodge them.
Haha u missed again. But he didnt seem angry he just gave me cold stare and smirked.

Hunter) Did i? Hunter said smiling

Jane) I looked behind me hearing snapping, i saw a small but wide tree collapsing behind me and before I knew it i was on the ground underneath a small tree, my body felt tired, sore, and numb an i started seeing blurry.
All i could see when i looked up was Hunter walking towards me. And his faint talking

Hunter) Fell so easily, just like her mother and father, i guess the saying does go along with a lot of things, like father, Like, Daughter. Ahahaah
Let this be a message to all of you who think that you can beat me and mr, Blackman, but im not going to kill u, not yet at least until we meet again young one.

Jane) I started blacking out even more and the only thing i could see before blacking out was hunter carrying me towards the lab then, nothing.

*Personality Switch to Jack*

David showed me the remainder of runes except the darkness rune he said that only the most evil people have it, but i did get to see the physic rune and the healing rune the healing rune was the most amazing because a girl who had it was able to mend a big wound on a boys leg in about 10 seconds, when she left We all heard a big bang in the entrance then A cry for help by one of the people hear.

David) what was that!.

Jack) I dont Know i think it came from the entrance, lets go check it out.
When me and david got to the entrance we saw Jane on the floor passed out  inside a Huge hole in the wall that looked like it came from a huge boulder that lied next to jane, everyone was there staring at jane even professor stein in shock of what happend.

Boy) theres a note on her!.

Jack) said a boy a little younger than me.
 What does it say i said to the boy as he picked it up.

David) "This is an example of what happens when u mess with Mr. Blackman and me, your little Lightning freind got away from me one time but he wont get away with Jack. You probobly havent told them yet havent told them Yet David and Proffesor. That Jack has...
The. Fire power and just like Sabastian he will die. 

Jack) said the boy perplexed and stared at me and backed up. I looked around and almost everone was staring and me and whispering

Crowd) He has the fire power. is he gonna burn the place down. What do we do. He caused this!.

Jack) then Tyson walked up David u didnt tell us that he has the fire power, the same power that caused caos the last time!. The murmering continued a I started feeling like i was a monster and an out cast.

David) Enough!! 
This is the last i want to here of this topic I want everyone to go to there rooms and sleep while me and proffesor talk about this.

Jack) Everyone rushed to there rooms giving me cold stares and i went to my room I noticed that every one locked there doors staring at me. I just laid and my bed I had no idea what was gonna happen next and just stared at the68 ceiling, was i gonna turn out like Sabastian I just went to sleep hoping things would turn out better, i closed my eyes and fell straight to sleep.

My New Power Season 2 Chapter 1
Coming soon. Hope you all enjoyed and hope you Rate, Comment, and share this story and cant wait to see you all again next time Byyeee!!.


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