Reasons Why
Read Count : 96
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I can't marry you
-im already married
-dont want to be married twice
-first 2 marrages failed no matter how I tried
-you fail to build any of my self esteem
-you make me more worried about my faults
-you embarrass me even knowing I take fight or flight when felt
-you don't encourage me to stop out of my comfort
-you never want to do things with me even after I express my utter need to be active
-you seem to tear me down about silly things like a little disorganization
-when you are upset you verbally assault my ears even when I'm not the reason
-you stay negative fail to encourage
Maybe I'm asking to much?
Maybe I just don't love you enough?
One thing I know I don't want to marry you after all
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