Play Piano For My Mom Read Count : 72

Category : Songs

Sub Category : R&B/soul
Today is my mom special day. She raise eight of us as little babies. The piano player is me to her. I know the song from my soul. My mom smile with tears in her eyes. It’s a shame dad not there for us. I got a massage for your man. Our mother is special. I not letting go. She deserves so many rewards and cares. I thank you for be apart our lives forever. When I was a little boy. I wanted some toys for Christmas. Mom knows best for all of us. While dad was no where in sight. We only got few presents. And thankful for what we resee. It’s a shame other children holidays a mess. With sadness in their eyes. Mom a true hero. When boogie man under our beds. She flashing her lights and carry her Bible to reading our super hero story. Remember people gets afraid at times. With a prayer God there to protected us all. We all giving you hopes and happiness within our lives. Mother.


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