Animals Taking Over My House
Read Count : 67
Category : Songs
Sub Category : Rock
Ok, there’s a lion stealing my bed! With comfortable sheets and blanket! When I trying to get my pj’s! He gives me a look and starts to roar! I panic and ran out my bedroom! That’s where I sleeping at! Notices my tv got taking by monkeys! I jump up and said Hell no! You all can’t play my PlayStation 5! They chasing me out of my living room! Throwing books and shoes at me! Ouch!!! That’s area didn’t goes so well! I headed to diner room to sit! On till those donkeys with goats playing cards! They chewing my table like a candy bar! I went crazy and got tackled and ran over by those animals! Donkey stares and laughing at me! I know the diner room is destroyed with damage. And running away from those goats! Can’t get back to that side! In the hallway with hippo shit! Notices the baby hippo making an mess! Where is her mom and dad! Pick baby hippo up to the bathroom! Hearing an animals having sex!
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