Flirting Read Count : 73

Category : Songs

Sub Category : LoveSong
Can’t help how I staring at you boy. In the valley of life. Sitting on the grass with you. Having the spring picnic. Laying on my lap in noon time. With sun shining over us. Rubbing your hair and smiling with you the rest of our way. Baby gives me the tease. With my neck while laying down. Making love when the flowers floating passes us. Holding hands together in the land. Filled with blessing in the sky. Talking to you within my soul. Laughing together we brings. Looking into your eyes seeing your stronger personality. Sense of happiness. Don’t let pain passes me over. Baby you mean so much to me. I so glad the trees are blooming. In the warmer weather. Touches my soul with birds. They begins to sings. Walking around the field with green grass. Continue flirting with you baba.


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